Let's say I try and bite you. How much is it gonna hurt? I'm...

July 6, 2008

Past, Present, Future

Every time Caleb does something adorable, I write it down. I want to have a record of the joy it brings me whenever he does something new. Like the first time that he slept on his side, or rolled over in bed. Or the first time he hugged me or gave me a kiss. Today he barked at the dog. It was so cute! He also had a squealy conversation with another baby across a room.

I wish I could put Caleb on pause. He is adorable and I love watching him grow up, but I already feel as if it is going by so fast. I've never had 7 months speed by as quickly as the last 7 months have. When I was pregnant, time went by so slowly, now I don't have any idea where the time has gone. I want to be able to enjoy every second of it.

Part of me is always looking forward. I can't wait until Caleb gets to the next milestone. I check out websites and books that tell you when your baby is supposed to do what. I try to guess when he will start to crawl or walk. I look at my friend's older kids and dream of the day when Caleb and I will be able to run around or have conversations.

Past, present, and future with my baby. I love him so much.

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