I was feeling brave and I gave Darth Kittius a bath. It wasn't so bad, now that I know I can live through it. He hated it the whole time, but he only fought me for the first 60% and the last 10% of the time. The rest of the time he just sat in the tub plotting my demise. He's fluffy and clean now. I rate it an overall success.
March 18, 2010
Cat Bath
I was feeling brave and I gave Darth Kittius a bath. It wasn't so bad, now that I know I can live through it. He hated it the whole time, but he only fought me for the first 60% and the last 10% of the time. The rest of the time he just sat in the tub plotting my demise. He's fluffy and clean now. I rate it an overall success.