Let's say I try and bite you. How much is it gonna hurt? I'm...

August 24, 2010

Saving Up For Braces

Caleb had is routine cleaning and check up at the dentist yesterday. His teeth look great, very clean and "shiny" which is Caleb's new favortie word, so he was excited to hear the dentist say it. Dr. Lewis says I didn't do any irreparable damage by waiting so long to take away his pacifier.

Caleb has a gap in his front teeth and as adorable as I think it is, we are going to get it taken care of. Dr. Lewis thinks we can do it without braces after he loses his 2 from teeth - super cute, but very far away, or so it seems. I'm sure it will sneak up on me before I know it.

We did learn that Caleb has a crossbite. He will probably need a retainer or braces in the future to take care of it. Dr. Lewis says that he will probably refer him to an orthodontist when he is about 7. That gives me 4 years to save for braces. I should probably start on that right away!

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