I have finally found the perfect alternative to scented candles! They are called Scentsy and I love them! It's an electric warmer that slowly melts a scented brick of wax. There are dozens and dozens of warmers and scents to choose from.
Here is a little snippit from their website:
Scentsy is becoming the fastest growing candle company because Scentsy provides a safe alternative to the traditional candles that you have burned before. Scentsy Candles are flameless, wickless, leadless, and soot free, which makes them worry free! You no longer have to worry about harmful chemicals being released into the air that lessens the quality of life for you, your loved ones, friends, and pets.
This was especially important to me because Caleb is two now and he loves candles as well. Ever since he received a raving round of applause for blowing out the candles on his birthday cake he has been drawn to the flame of any fire, no matter how small, inconspicuous, high up on the mantle or hidden behind a picture frame it may be.
Right now I am using the cherry blossom warmer with a scent called "Clean Breeze" that smells like fresh dried laundry. It makes my whole room smell like a dryer sheet... Which is great because as I type this I spy my 90lb pitbull / boxer mix has snuck onto my bed and I guarantee you that he does not smell like laundry.
I'm suprised how quickly the warmer has started working. I can smell the fragrance wafting from the other room already and I just turned it on as I started to type this. I am probably doing about 65 WPM right now, so go ahead and do the math, you're more than welcome!
I am just about to leave and head to my mom's to deliver the "Lotus" warmer with "Plumeria" scent that I got as a suprised for her! I will post more about her fabulous reaction.
If you want to see more Scentsy warmers, check out http://sheilatower.scentsy.us
I very highly recommend it!