I found this picture online, but I wanted to use it instead of my own because I think it better conveys the impression of BEING IN THE FRONT ROW!!! That's right! We were in the FRONT ROW! See that empty seat right in front of the dinosaur's face? That's where we were! I even ducked when the T-Rex turned around because I thought its tail was going to hit me in the head. Of course it wouldn't have, but it sure looked like it!
The dinos were huge! They were so lifelike! Being in the front row, you could see the texture in their skin and some of them even had battle scars. When the T-Rex walked, its feet would stomp and you could see the muscles in its legs move. It was really an incredible experience.
The first hour, Caleb was in awe. He didn't really understand everything that was going on. Then, there was an intermission. The house lights came up and the announcer said that there was a 20 minute break. "More dinosaurs!" Caleb demanded. I convinced him that the dinosaurs were going potty and so we should go potty too. (He is wearing underwear all day now! Yay!) After the potty, Shawn went to get an overpriced bottle of water and Caleb demanded, "More Dinosaurs" as we settled into our seats.
The second hour, Caleb was all chattery. He talked about every dinosaur that came out. He remarked on how big they were and how loud they were. He talked about whether they were fast or slow. He also made several requests for "more baby dinosaurs". A young Torosaurus fought his elder for control of the herd. He won. Caleb clapped and said, "Yay"!
After the show was over, Caleb insisted on more dinosaurs. When we started to leave, it turned to pleas for more dinosaurs, we were on the verge of a meltdown when I found (dun-dun-DUN) a piece of candy in my pocket! Disaster averted. We rode the MAX train back to our car, which Cal thought was an adventure in its self. He fell asleep on the way home.
When we got home, Caleb woke up. He told me that he is a baby dinosaur, I am a Mama dinosaur, Shawn is a Dada dinosaur, and that he was going to go sleep in his dinosaur bed. I'm sure he's having dinosaur dreams right about now.