Let's say I try and bite you. How much is it gonna hurt? I'm...

May 24, 2009

Lonely City Planner

I've recently become re-Addicted to Sim City on snes. Part of me knows that it is an incredibly boring waste of time but another part of me is strangely drawn to it. It's just slightly more interactive than TV and about as rewarding, too.

I'm a real sucker for these types of strategy games. I love playing zoo tycoon and civilization as well. I think that makes me a nerd, and not just any nerd, but the kind that is greasy, stinks a little and never gets any dates.

Speaking of dates, I would like to address the issue of me never getting asked out in high school. I have an ongoing theory that it's because I was a tom boy. Alright so I wore a lot of hooded sweatshirts with band names on them. That doesn't mean that I can't clean up alright. Well, you guys all missed out because I'm a wife now and I'm straight up awesome at it.

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