Let's say I try and bite you. How much is it gonna hurt? I'm...

February 15, 2012

It's my birthday!

I don't normally toot my own horn, but hey; it's my birthday!
When it comes to birthday celebrating, I am all about it. I like to celebrate "Birthday Week". It's pretty awesome and I am going to try and get it to catch on with more people. Instead of only having one day of presents and cake and whatnot, you have an entire week of feeling on top of the world.

For example:

Honey, what would you like for dinner?"

"Oh, sweetheart, you decide. Afterall, it's your Birthday Week"

See how that works? Here is another one:

Mommy, I am going to draw you a picture every day this week because it's your Birthday Week and I love you."

Pretty nice, eh? Eh?

So next time you're getting ready to celebrate your birthday, try dropping the Birthday Week thing. I find it's best to treat it as if it's a given and then act surprised when someone acts like they've never heard of it.

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