Let's say I try and bite you. How much is it gonna hurt? I'm...

August 6, 2008


hew! Things sure have been crazy around here the last couple of weeks! My little brother got married 2 weeks ago, and we've had family in town. Almost everyone was staying at my mom's house, so I was over there almost everyday trying to spend as much time as possible with our extended family.

We were still really busy after the wedding! Since our family had come from so far away, most of them stayed a week or so after the wedding so that we could spend time together. We went all over the place! I think my favorite times were when we went white water rafting, and also when we went camping.

After our company left I was still busy! I had only done a minimal amount of housework each day and I had a lot to catch up to do. I'm still not finished with all of the laundry, but thankfully the dishes are done.

Another exciting thing happened recently. Caleb has started CRAWLING! He zooms all over the place now and just recently discovered electrical outlets. I have to some how acquire those baby proof plugs to keep him safe. I'm also going to need a baby gate to keep him from falling down the stairs. I really should have registered for those things in my baby registry, then I would already have them.

Brian and Bethany found out they are having a girl! They picked the name Victoria Rose, which I think is just adorable. We all went out to dinner for the big reveal, and when they said they were having a girl everyone cheered. Then they passed around the ultrasound pictures. People laughed at me when I said, "Oh my gosh Bethany, she looks just like you!" but it was true. She has Bethany's nose and Brian's mouth, and I can't tell who's ears, maybe Bethy's. I was right about what Caleb looked like on his ultrasound, and I'm quiet confident I have done it again.

Speaking of Caleb, he is fussing and it's about time for his nap. I'm off to put him to bed. Hopefully I will get more time to write again soon.


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