Let's say I try and bite you. How much is it gonna hurt? I'm...

July 14, 2010

Despicable Me

I feel the need, the need - for self improvement. Okay that isn't a very catchy tag line, but it's true. I keep setting these loft goals for self improvement, but I put too much on my plate and always end in epic failure. My newest plan is as follows...

I am going to have a focus item. Probably once a week or every other week, I am going to set up a goal to focus on. They say that it takes 3 weeks to make a habit. If I focus on something every day for a week, I will be 30% to making it an effortless habit. If it is something that will be harder to accomplish, like breaking an already habitual action, then I will give myself longer.

Item number one for my self improvement mission is to eat healthier. I know that a lot of people start here. It is the #1 New Year's resolution. It's also the most failed New Year's resolution. I know that the New Year is pretty far off, but I don't think that I need an event or calendar date to resolve to be better.

The reason that I have chosen my diet as my first attempt at self improvement is because it is effecting so many parts of my life. I feel tired all the time, I feel cranky very often, and my skin is looking worn and tired. I think I am 1 more piece of red meat away from getting bags under my eyes.

Originally, I thought of doing something drastic. I was going to go vegetarian again. I have since decided that baby steps are going to be best for me to actually reach my goals. I have a hard time sticking with things, it's not a fear of commitment; it's more of a fear of change. I think if I make habits then that will just be my new way of doing things and eventually they will become natural to me.

So now, I will make at least one healthy choice each day. I will no longer stuff beignets into my mouth one after the other. Today for lunch, I had a ham sandwich and a carrot. See how that works? Well wish me luck, because I still have the rest of the week to go!

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